Envirofert Plans 1999-Barker & Associates-Planning Consultancy and Tilsley Associates-Engineering Services were responsible for this plan that was presented at Enviroferts application hearing for a clean fill in Tuakau (1999) and was approved and signed off by the Commissioners and Franklin District now Waikato District Council and Environment Waikato now Waikato Regional Council. Paperwork and consents relate to this plan TUAKAU COO2/Revision 5.Councils have changed to suit wrong locations.
Prior to the cleanfill being established, this boundary was flat and all water drained towards the Mighty Waikato River. Envirofert was given the right by councils to put a bund on the boundary which has basically put a dam there and now the neighbours land is flooding. This was pointed out to the commissioners at the hearing in a submission by the neighbours. Councils failed to monitor that Envirofert had built the bund in the wrong location and build the Envirofert drain at the base of the bund for runoff.
This plan is very clear as to where the drain and bund was to be built.
The boundary is the line with long strokes with 2 short strokes, the drain is the dotted line (marked 'existing clean water drains') exiting from the neighbours and entering Enviroferts property.
A 7 metre wide access strip was for maintenance. This was not done by Envirofert owners, Gary McGuire (local) and Andrew Bayly (now MP for Hunua).
This plan is very clear as to where the drain and bund was to be built.
The boundary is the line with long strokes with 2 short strokes, the drain is the dotted line (marked 'existing clean water drains') exiting from the neighbours and entering Enviroferts property.
A 7 metre wide access strip was for maintenance. This was not done by Envirofert owners, Gary McGuire (local) and Andrew Bayly (now MP for Hunua).
Had the drain and bund been built in the approved place and been built to the engineering specifications that Tilsley Associates designed it for and was to oversee the construction, it would be doing its job, instead it is built on and over the boundary with no drain.Draining into neighbours drain.
Councils failed to monitor this also. Councils failed to make sure Gary McGuire built the bund and drain in the approved plan location.
Now Envirofert say they have a letter from Barker & Associates to say there was a 'draft error on the plan'.
There was no error on the plan, this was signed off at the hearing by the 2 Councils (Waikato District & Waikato Regional)and Envirofert.
What has been built on the ground is the ERROR, built and owned by Gary McGuire (no engineering qualifications 1999-2013) and Andrew Bayly(now Member of Parliament for Hunua) and was to be overseen by Robert Tilsley from Tilsley Associates in Pukekohe.
Gary McGuire built the bund in the wrong location. Robert Tilsley did no engineering reports on the drain or bund construction.The plan is very clear as to how this drain and bund was to be constructed.
There was no error on the plan, this was signed off at the hearing by the 2 Councils (Waikato District & Waikato Regional)and Envirofert.
What has been built on the ground is the ERROR, built and owned by Gary McGuire (no engineering qualifications 1999-2013) and Andrew Bayly(now Member of Parliament for Hunua) and was to be overseen by Robert Tilsley from Tilsley Associates in Pukekohe.
Gary McGuire built the bund in the wrong location. Robert Tilsley did no engineering reports on the drain or bund construction.The plan is very clear as to how this drain and bund was to be constructed.
The latest is that Envirofert has additional information that is with their solicitors being reviewed. Both councils have admitted that Tuakau COO2-Revision 5 is the plan that was signed off by the authorities.
This clearly shows on the approved and signed off plan that there were 5 Revisions of Tuakau/C002 done and the reasons for them.
Envirofert clean?fill has been built to NONE of these Revisions.
The resource consent that was issued by Environment Waikato now Waikato Regional Council #102301 states Activity Authorised: Divert the drain that flows westwards across the cleanfill site so that it flows south along an existing drain. As this was a consent before the cleanfill was operating, the drain used to go through the proposed cleanfill, when the bund was to be built another drain was to be constructed to take runoff from the bund
This explains that the drain diversion consent is for the exit point on the approved plan, as the above plan shows. This is the existing exit point before the clean?fill was operating, that went from the Dromgool property exit point and ran through the middle of the now existing clean?fill. Now the bund is built in the wrong place without the 7 metre setback for maintenance and the diversion of the drain that was not built to the approved plan as seen above on the plan
The plan clearly shows that the exit point of the drain (part of the Franklin-Waikato Tuakau Swamp Drain Scheme) leaves the neighbours boundary (middle of boundary) enters Enviroferts boundary and then to follow around the 'new key bund' had the bund been built in the correct location. This drain was part of the Tuakau Drainage Scheme which Envirofert have dammed and now the neighbours land is flooded.The exit point for the drain that the councils and Envirofert call the 'drain diversion' and was built by Gary MCGuire (owner 1999-2013) who had no engineering qualifications, is about where the proposed site offices was planned on the plan above.As you can see on the plan there is no drain drawn for an exit point there, but the plan clearly shows the exit point of the existing drain that was to be used.
The bund is built on the boundary and in some places over, so no room for a drain to be constructed in Enviroferts property. Drainage from the clean fill and bund now drains onto the neighbours property and Waikato Regional Council even changed the height of the bund and cleanfill in 2010. No engineering reports were done even though the cleanfill original engineering reports are for 2.5 metres for the height. This is extra height and weight on swamp land.
When are the councils going to admit to all their mistakes and fix this huge mistake by Envirofert, instead of wasting ratepayers money?
Fix it now before the pollution, contamination and the flooding of the neighbours property gets even worse and in years to come will become an environmental disaster!
Because the councils failed to monitor Envirofert and Envirofert did not build the clean?fill to plan they are all running for cover and blaming each other.
This clearly shows on the approved and signed off plan that there were 5 Revisions of Tuakau/C002 done and the reasons for them.
Envirofert clean?fill has been built to NONE of these Revisions.
The resource consent that was issued by Environment Waikato now Waikato Regional Council #102301 states Activity Authorised: Divert the drain that flows westwards across the cleanfill site so that it flows south along an existing drain. As this was a consent before the cleanfill was operating, the drain used to go through the proposed cleanfill, when the bund was to be built another drain was to be constructed to take runoff from the bund
This explains that the drain diversion consent is for the exit point on the approved plan, as the above plan shows. This is the existing exit point before the clean?fill was operating, that went from the Dromgool property exit point and ran through the middle of the now existing clean?fill. Now the bund is built in the wrong place without the 7 metre setback for maintenance and the diversion of the drain that was not built to the approved plan as seen above on the plan
The plan clearly shows that the exit point of the drain (part of the Franklin-Waikato Tuakau Swamp Drain Scheme) leaves the neighbours boundary (middle of boundary) enters Enviroferts boundary and then to follow around the 'new key bund' had the bund been built in the correct location. This drain was part of the Tuakau Drainage Scheme which Envirofert have dammed and now the neighbours land is flooded.The exit point for the drain that the councils and Envirofert call the 'drain diversion' and was built by Gary MCGuire (owner 1999-2013) who had no engineering qualifications, is about where the proposed site offices was planned on the plan above.As you can see on the plan there is no drain drawn for an exit point there, but the plan clearly shows the exit point of the existing drain that was to be used.
The bund is built on the boundary and in some places over, so no room for a drain to be constructed in Enviroferts property. Drainage from the clean fill and bund now drains onto the neighbours property and Waikato Regional Council even changed the height of the bund and cleanfill in 2010. No engineering reports were done even though the cleanfill original engineering reports are for 2.5 metres for the height. This is extra height and weight on swamp land.
When are the councils going to admit to all their mistakes and fix this huge mistake by Envirofert, instead of wasting ratepayers money?
Fix it now before the pollution, contamination and the flooding of the neighbours property gets even worse and in years to come will become an environmental disaster!
Because the councils failed to monitor Envirofert and Envirofert did not build the clean?fill to plan they are all running for cover and blaming each other.
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