Residents Against Tuakau Smells(RATS) action community group was formed by a group of concerned residents of Tuakau, North Waikato(Franklin), New Zealand due to the community being fed up with the denials, excuses and neighbour blaming of ODOURS/DUST/POLLUTION from ENVIROFERT composting and clean?fill facility on River Road/Geraghtys Road and TUAKAU PROTEINS (Waikato By-Products) rendering plant on Lapwood Road.
This Blog is a way of getting information out to the residents that for many reasons do not want to complain or be named!

Environment Waikato & Franklin District Councils issued resource consents for a clean?fill operation in March 1999, after a joint hearing. Envirofert is owned & operated by GARY PETER MCGUIRE, TUAKAU Director & Shareholder & ANDREW HENRY BAYLY, KARAKA, (NOW MP FOR HUNUA)Director & Shareholder. Under their ownership, Envirofert has had numerous non-compliances, abatement notices, infringement notices, letters of direction and letters of warning!
2013-14 Gary McGuire leaves to train as a St Johns First Response Officer. Tuakau has been left with years of mistakes. Envirofert not built to approved application plan, bund built in wrong location, planned drain not built, now flooding neighbours land, numerous non compliances of consent conditions, unlawful dumping of waste, unlawful discharges to waterways and Waikato River.
2015 McGuire has been sacked from St Johns for disciplinary procedures.
2015 McGuire family are back!

2014 ANDREW HENRY BAYLY,KARAKA (now Member of Parliament for Hunua) Director & Shareholder, off to spend taxpayers money in Wellington while leaving Tuakau to live with the legacy of his many mistakes. Proven non-compliance's of resource consents, environmental contamination, proven illegal dumping in clean?fill, proven illegal discharges to waterways, flooding the neighbours property due to not building a drain in 1999 for clean?fill bund runoff, wrong location of clean?fill bund being over neighbours's boundary by metres and not working to consent conditions. Bayly's still connected to Envirofert.

August 2013, PETER DE LUCA, Director ( owner of Tompkin Wake Lawyers-Legal Representatives of Waikato Regional & District Councils) HAMILTON
May 2019, JOHN WILLIAM COOK, Director (also a director of DMS Progrowers with Peter De Luca(chairman), owns a Te Puke kiwifruit orchard)TE PUKE

SHAREHOLDERS: Clawton Investments Ltd> 30% Paul Daniel Bayly, Michael Walter Bayly.
M W Crawford Trustee Company Ltd> 30% Michael Wayne Crawford-Hamilton.
Gary Peter McGuire> 40%- Tuakau

1998 Land farming green waste was started.
1999 Envirofert started a Cleanfill operation. Gary McGuire (Tuakau local) /Andrew Bayly(Member of Parliament for Hunua)/Paul Bayly(brother of Andrew Bayly) owners and shareholders.
2001 WRC Consent was granted for a Vermiculture & Green waste composting operation.
2002 Overall Site Compliance: Partial Level of Compliance.
2003 Overall Site Compliance: High Level of Compliance.
2005 Overall Site Compliance: Partial Level of Compliance.
2006 Complaints made by neighbours of drain contamination, product blowing onto neighbours land and height of clean?fill.
2008 Envirofert did a one windrow trial for food waste.
2009 Council granted a S127, (change to consent conditions) to take food waste. The reports was done by Tonkin+Taylor, Barker&Associates, and Air and Environmental Sciences Ltd. This change was granted by Waikato Regional Council on a non-notifying basis (community were not informed). Envirofert's neighbours (Waikato By- Products Ltd rendering plant)were doing upgrades and community were advised not to complain about odours while the upgrades were being done. WRC said 'timing was unfortunate' or was it?? McGuire was at the meeting that discussed the upgrades. Not seen at meeting for years.
2010 Envirofert was taken to Environment Court by neighbour with an Enforcement Order. Mediation and nothing achieved, lawyers involved!
2011 Envirofert went into partnership with Fonterra to do food destruction. Food that was past its sell by date, recipes gone wrong, food not fit for human consumption.
2011 Robert Lind now CEO
2012 Waikato District Council grant Envirofert consent for more daily truck movements
2012 Robert Lind leaves
2012 Mike Lord is now CEO. Overall Site Compliance:Significant Non-Compliance
2013 Waikato Regional Council issue Envirofert 2 abatement notices for odours
2013 Envirofert start using O2 Compost system. Overall Site Compliance:Partial Level of Compliance
2013 Gary McGuire departs??still 40% shareholder
2014 Neighbour of clean?fill had a boundary survey done for fencing. Envirofert has built the bund in wrong location. Bund is 3-5 metres over boundary. Original plan had bund built 10 metres from boundary with a drain on Envirofert's land to drain bund runoff. No drain was built and bund in wrong location
2014 Councils admit that Enviroferts bund & drain has not been built to plan. UNDER INVESTIGATION. Overall Site Compliance: High Level of Compliance.
2014 Andrew Bayly enters parliament as MP for Hunua
2015 Waikato District and Regional Council legal counsel investigating Envirofert clean?fill bund not built to 1999 approved and signed off plan.
2015 WDC & WRC admit Envirofert bund location & drain diversion not built to plan, both state 'we are not taking any further action on this matter'.
2016 Mike Lord CEO leaves to work at EnviroNZ (Envirowaste) Overall Site Compliance: Significant non-compliance.
2017 Ryan Marra CEO arrives. Overall Site Compliance: Significant Non-Compliance.
2017 Envirofert start community liaison meetings after 18 years of operating. Marra(CEO) presents plans for a new receiving shed, new composting operation, new concrete pad with leachate drains.
2017 On going issues with odour and leachate from unlawful burying of plasterboard admitted finally by Envirofert who have denied this for years.
2017 Envirofert investigated for unlawful waste on clean?fill, elevated levels of faecal coliforms, one of the many unlawful wastes Envirofert has taken over many years
2017 Envirofert investigated for unlawfully taking 'filter sludge' material from Watercare that contained high levels of elements and not covered within consent conditions and council guidelines. Richard Duirs report with many non-compliances
2017 Paul Daniel Bayly appointed director (Andrew Bayly's twin brother)
2018 Ryan Marra CEO leaves
2018 Garrick Ashford new project manager leaves
2018 Elenka Nikoloff sales and technical advisor leaves
2018 Kim Willoughby director leaves
2018 Paul Bayly ceases director, still shareholder
2018 Alan Copsey general manager employed('friend of Gary McGuire')
2018 Paul McGuire technical advisor employed (brother of Gary McGuire, McGuire family are back)
2019 20 year resource consents, 1999-2019 expire.
2019 Envirofert apply to councils for new, changed and replaced resource consents. 20-35 year consents.
2019 Envirofert apply for $1.5+ million funding.
2019 20-35 years of unlawful dumping, odours, contamination of waterways, lack of council monitoring and cover ups by councils and reports!
2019 Gary John Hook director leaves. Peter De Luca is the only director.
2019 John William Cook, newly appointed director with Peter De Luca.
2019 Envirofert failed to work to RMA and Abatement notice EAC5577, this has been ongoing for 20 years, Envirofert refuse to work to council rules and consent conditions.
2019 Clawton Investments (Paul & Michael Bayly) purchased 74 Geraghtys Road property off Envirofert. Brothers of Andrew Bayly, MP for Port Waikato and former owner/operator of Envirofert
2019 Rumour in Tuakau, Gary McGuire has gone, hope he has taken Envirofert with him! Who do you think he has sold to?
2019 McGuire now doing demolition! Hope the waste is disposed of legally not like the last place he owned and operated with many unlawful dumping of waste?
2020 Paul Daniel Bayly appointed director AGAIN, dated 12/05/2020

ENVIROFERT & COUNCILS state they are 'fully consented' with council cover ups, BUT ENVIROFERT have many years of non-compliances of Consent Conditions that are stated in council audits.

TUAKAU PROTEINS /was Graeme Lowe Waikato/ Waikato By- Products/Lowe Corporation rendering plant on Lapwood Road, Tuakau is the neighbour of Envirofert. They also have 40+ years of on-going odour and noise issues. Rendering stinks, cooking smells, fan noise, dust pollution, smelly uncovered trucks and spillage, soon to do gelatine (so we are told)another odorous operation.

Many residents are now complaining about gas/sulphur/tip/waste odours in Bollard Road from Smart Environmental in Industry Lane and the Biodiesel Plant (originally from Carr Street)plant by the gas station.

Phone in odour complaints to Waikato Regional Council...0800 800 401...24 hours....7 days.

Tuakau Proteins Ltd details
Stephen Dahlenburg-General Manager-0274537365 or Curtis Webber-0277064400 day or night or text, he will ring back or will he?
Ring Tuakau Proteins complaint line-0800 555 003
for odours, noise, truck movements/spillage.

Waikato District Health Officer 0800 492 452

ENVIROFERT details-09 910 0050-General Enquires-email-office@envirofert.co.nz-fax-092368484
Waste Disposal/Recycling- PAUL YEARBURY- Site manager & Tuakau resident- 027 496 1051-email- pauly@envirofert.co.nz
ALAN COPSEY- General Manager-Envirofert - email-alanc@envirofert.co.nz
Email complaints & keep a copy of email for your own records. They do mysteriously go missing or mislaid? by envirofert and councils.

Email your North Waikato Mayor & councillors.
The Mayor-Allan Sanson-mayor@waidc.govt.nz
Local Councillors-Jacqui Church & Stephanie Henderson-

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Wake up Tuakau!

We have the potential to become the SMELLIEST town in the region!


Envirofert food waste composting facility in Tuakau, with entrances off River Road/Geraghtys Road is taking Auckland councils food waste from a food waste trial from 2000 households on the North Shore.
This is for 3 months. August 2014(Local Government online) The trial is to be extended. Auckland's food waste collection is to be rolled out in 2016!
How many houses are there in Auckland and how big could this pile of rubbish become?
Then there is the potential to take all of the rotting food waste from Waikato and Bay of Plenty as well. This company will take waste from anywhere to make money with no consideration or respect for it's neighbours lives and health.
It would be better for individuals to do their own composting but alas the human race is sooooo lazy and "someone else will deal with it".
Wouldn't it be better for cities to compost in their own districts, rather than truck this food waste many kilometres? Carbon foot print?
Auckland council has a policy of not taking waste from outside Auckland's boundary but Auckland council seem to think it is alright to chuck their rubbish over the fence in our backyard  in the Waikato.
As long as Auckland don't have to deal with it.
Our mayors, councils and central government don't give a s#*t about Tuakau, THEY DON"T CARE!

One of the owners of this company is ANDREW BAYLY the National Party candidate for Hunua in the upcoming 2014 general elections on September 20th. 
Tuakau WAS in Hunua's electorate for many years but with the recent boundary changes Tuakau is now in the Waikato electorate.
Change the boundaries and get more National supporters, & laws changed??
BAYLY has been a director/shareholder of Envirofert since 1999 the year Envirofert started operating. Green waste and clean?fill problems have been issues with some of the neighbours since 1999. 2009 Envirofert were issued Resource Consents (non-notifying) to take food waste to make compost (stinking compost) which Tuakau community have since been complaining about odours, pollution, dust & trucks. These consents were issued by Waikato Regional and District Councils. 
Understand that basically the finished compost is not a huge problem, it is the start of the journey to make compost, from smelly trucks uncovered with smelly food waste that could have been sitting for weeks. Then the smelly food waste in piles out in the sun rotting and stinking for months.
Fast forward to 2014 and Tuakau are still living with putrid stench. 5 years of not being able to use our property, property values affected,bbq's, washing stinks & house stinks. Summers are ruined by odours, dust and NO-ONE will tell us what is in the VOC contaminants or dust!
If you read Bayly's (former owner) National Parties bio you would think he is as delusional as McGuire the former owner of Envirofert when he started this tip and thought it wasn't going to stink. Maybe it has got something to do with composting.
Is Andrew Bayly going to treat his constituents with arrogance and no respect like he has the Tuakau community?
Food waste composting is a smelly business and we cannot find anywhere  in the world that can do composting without odours. In some cases odour travelling many kms.
How can decent human beings inflict this odorous condition on other humans?
By 2015 ALL ORGANIC WASTE has to be out of landfills and brought to a facility like Envirofert.
Could NIMBY mean not in my back yard or next it might be you.
This has the potential to be horrendous with the facility operating 24/7 with continual polluted air! Never having the right to breath FRESH COUNTRY AIR as the Waikato Regional council say they are the authority to tell Tuakau residents what they consider as ACCEPTABLE!
One hour away from Tuakau!
We had no say in the decision to have Envirofert in Tuakau so this 
could happen in your district. Councils let Envirofert be issued with resource consents that the public had no say in, and the council does nothing until a complaint is made and then the councils do NOTHING. 
Never having someone to verify an odour complaint.
Council Reason: No resources!
Odour complaint 0800 800 402


  1. Here's an idea tell the whole of New Zealand to stop wasting food, and then there wouldn't be an issue.

  2. Good comment but our position is to protect Tuakau from unscrupulous and dishonest businesses and councils that insist on dumping their rubbish in our backyard.
